As a Catholic School, Chaplaincy and Religious Education are central to the life of the school. Our Catholic faith influences all the work of the school which strives to follow the gospel values of love, justice and concern for others. As a Dominican school we are committed to our VERTIAS values which permeate through all areas of school life but are firmly rooted in our mission to enable all members of our community to live life to the full.
Liturgies and Mass
The final blessing of the Mass commands us to “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life”. As Catholics, our faith does not stop on Sunday. It permeates everything we say and do.
This section looks at how the liturgies, retreats and prayer days empower us to live this final blessing and glorify the Lord by our life.The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1324-1327), states that, "The Eucharist is "the source and summit" of the Christian life. As a Catholic school we ensure that our school community has the opportunity to gather to celebrate Mass.
Each year as a community we gather for an Advent Service at the end of the Autumn Term, a Lenten/Easter Service at the end of the Spring Term, and an End of Mass, at the end of the Summer Term. Our charity leaders work closely with our school Chaplain and the RE department to plan these liturgies for our community. We also offer Mass to our community on Holy Days of Obligation and are supported in doing this by the priests of the local parishes. Our chaplain works closely with our local parish church,St Margaret Clitherow and students attend a form Mass each year celebrated by Fr. Brian.
Each year group participates in a retreat programme each academic year. Retreats provide students with an opportunity to pause and reflect as well as developing friendships with their peers. Each retreat has a different theme and is organised by the school Chaplain who works with speakers, members of the RE department and local parishes to provide a day of faith, friendship and fun.
Prayer and Reflection
Every morning Form tutors pray with their forms and students are actively involved in leading this time of prayer and reflection. Each week students gather in their Houses to participate in their weekly Liturgical Assembly which focusses on the Gospel reading from Sunday. The message of the Gospel is linked to one of our VERITAS values which encourages students and offers practical ways they can apply and live out this teaching in their daily life. There are opportunities for Staff Prayer each week in the chapel led by our school Chaplain as well as reflection on Inset days and at the staff briefing each week. We aim to offer the opportunity for the sacrament of Reconciliation to all during Lent.
Faith In Action
As a Catholic school we believe that is important that we live out or faith and use the gifts and talents that God has given each of us to bless others. Our charity leaders and House Council work closely with our school chaplain to plan a range of fundraising activities to support a range of charities. As a school we also support our community through our Foodbank and provides practical support to those within our community.