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The Governing Body is made up of eleven members, drawn from the school staff, parents, representatives from the Diocese (foundation governors) and the Local Authority. The Archbishop of Westminster appoints foundation governors and all others are elected (parents by the parent body, staff by the staff of the school). The Clerk is appointed by the Governors.

Foundation governors ensure that the Catholic ethos of the school is maintained.The members of the Governing Body are:  



Term of Office Commenced

Chair of Governors

Mr Anthony Kamara

December 2021

Foundation Governor

Mrs Margaret Brady

April 2016

Foundation Governor

Fr Brian Griffiths *

September 2015

Foundation Governor

Mrs Bernie Clark

December 2021

Foundation Governor

Mrs Sheila Frayne

October 2016

Foundation Governor

Mrs Carol Minihan

October 2024

Foundation Governor

Mr Bob Chandler October 2016

Foundation Governor

Ms Ann Molloy

October 2016

Headteacher Governor

Mr Anthony Ellul


LA Governor

Mr Peter Harries

March 2022

Parent Governor

Ms Ruth Asamoa-Frimpong

July 2018

Staff Governor

Mrs Liz Mills

September 2016

Governors that have recently stepped down: James O'Keeffe (Foundation Governor, Anne Pritam (Foundation Governor) and Carolyn Laws (Headteacher). All of those left the Governing Body with effect from 31 August 2022

* Fr Brian is also a governor of Blessed Dominic Primary School

Our other governors have declared no pecuniary interests, as stated in October 2024.

To conduct our business we delegate decision-making to committees or, where appropriate, to individuals such as the Headteacher. Most of our business is done through meetings, making best use of established guidance, and seeking the advice of the Headteacher. To carry out our duties effectively, we have established committees each chaired by a leader elected by the governors. 

Governors arrange informal visits to get to know staff and students.  We also ensure our visibility to staff and students by attending events such as: educational 'walk and talk' tours, open days, prize giving and masses at the school.

The Governors feel very proud of the School and remain conscious of its traditions dating back to 1934 when it was founded by the Dominican Sisters.

RE & Curriculum Committee

Governor Role
Bob Chandler Chair
Margaret Brady  
Fr Brian Griffiths  
Ann Molloy  
Liz Mills  
Ruth Asamoa-Frimpong  

This committee meet at least termly





Resources & Staffing Committee

Governor Role
Peter Harries Chair
Margaret Brady  
Carol Minihan  
Ann Molloy  
Sheila Frayne  

This committee meet at least termly


Admissions Committee

Governor Role
Sheila Frayne Chair
Ann Molloy  
Anthony Kamara  
Liz Mills  




Behaviour & Personal Development

Governor Role
Ann Molloy Safeguarding Governor & Chair
Margaret Brady  
Sheila Frayne  
Anthony Kamara  

This committee meet at least termly.