Welcome to our Subjects page
Here you will find a list of all the subject overviews students study here at St James.
These overviews lay out the major topics your child will cover each term. It will also show you the key marked tasks our staff and pupils will be focussing on.
Our curriculum has been carefully designed to take into account the starting points of all learners and the requirements of external examinations.
You can help by asking your child to tell you more about these topics and ask to see the feedback on their formative assessment.(what the teacher marks to gauge their understanding)
Art makes students look at things in new ways– even mundane ordinary aspects of the world. There is something magical about expressing ideas or emotions with pencil and paint or sculpting with your hands. Communicating with colour, shape and form awakens the imagination; it opens doors to better understanding of humankind.
Business and Economics
Students will gain an appreciation that businesses are a key part of the world around us. Most students will eventually either work for a business organisation or run a business. Business and work related skills are therefore essential to fulfilling potential and having life to the full. The actions of a business can have an impact on the environment and communities, so it is important businesses consider their ethical and social responsibility.
Our Computing Department aims to equip students with essential computer literacy skills, fostering their ability to understand and use hardware, software, and broader technology effectively. We focus on building a foundation in problem-solving, digital citizenship, and developing skills across various forms of software. Through engaging lessons and the integration of both theory and practice, we nurture learning and creativity at every stage. Across our courses, our curriculum covers key areas such as data representation, programming, cyber security, and graphics, in order to prepare students for academic, social, and professional success in the modern digital world.
The Drama Department aims to stimulate a lifelong curiosity, interest and enjoyment in drama and dramatic literature from a variety of cultures and traditions. Our young people develop a range of personal qualities, including perseverance, resilience, initiative, confidence, individual awareness and group sensitivity. We want students to develop their drama skills and enjoy a range of performance opportunities especially in our new theatre space. Students here are helped to aspire to professional standards in a professional environment. We aim to offer a diverse and original programme of teaching and learning activities which develop confidence, mastery and a sense of pride.
Design Technology
Our D&T curriculum is aimed at equipping students with a range of design skills. Students explore a range of objects, how certain working parts are made and how to join, fix and use materials effectively. They learn to assemble, disassemble, plan, construct and evaluate projects.
Here at St James', we believe that the purpose of the study of English is the pursuit of truth through interpretation. This pursuit of truth places our VERITAS values at the heart of our mission that pupils may 'have life and have it to the full'. We see truth (which encompasses morality, knowledge and the human experience and condition) as being relative to context and therefore it is vital for pupils to have a wide knowledge and understanding of the world in order to interpret texts meaningfully. We seek to develop students' conceptual understanding of English and to teach them the core knowledge that will enable them to continue studying until KS5.
Food Technology
At St James' FT aims to inspire and to develop healthy, independent and capable cooks who are able to understand the food commodities, nutrients and cookery skills that will enable them to live life to the full.
We believe that to be a successful geographer it is important to approach the discipline through the threshold concepts , which we have identified as:
- A world which is in need of investigation.
- A world which is under threat for future generations.
- A world which is under dispute.
- A world which is increasingly globalised.
- A world which can be a dangerous place to live.
- A world which is unequal.
At St James' History aims to develop a deep understanding of developments, trends and patterns. With the skills and conceptual understanding acquired through the study of History, students will be able to navigate the present.
Mathematics is not simply numbers, equations or algorithms. It is about understanding the world. Dive down deep enough into ANYTHING and you will find Mathematics. I feel honoured to be able to empower, educate, and enhance our amazing students.'Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today' - Malcolm X
The KS3 curriculum sets out to gradually improve our students’ knowledge and skills in order to provide a solid base for transition to GCSE. It has been designed to give every student the opportunity to understand that success is achievable regardless of ability or starting point.
The creative media sector is an exciting, dynamic, growing and rewarding sector to work in. In this BTEC tech award you will learn to develop a wide range of skills and techniques from broadcast media to interactive platforms. This qualification helps students to explore the media sector by undertaking practical media projects. During the course students will:
- Investigate different media products, such as audio and moving images, publishing and interactive design.
- Create forms of media considering the style, design, audience, and context
- Explore creative media production processes and practices by generating ideas, and planning production and post-production processes
- Develop digital media production skills and techniques
This qualification is the same size and level as a GCSE aimed at those interested in pursuing a career in creative media production.
At St James' Music aims to arm our students with the tools necessary to communicate their own emotions through music, giving them the opportunity to pursue their own truth through expression. We see music as an art form and a cultural activity, whose medium is vocal or instrumental sounds combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.
The PE Department is a thriving and busy department with an excellent reputation. There is a passion for sport and we pride ourselves on our enthusiasm and commitment to getting students involved and trying to discover that little bit of brilliance in all of them. The PE department delivers a challenging yet enjoyable curriculum across a wide range of sports. There are also numerous sporting opportunities available after and during school where students can attend one of the team practices or attend clubs for enjoyment.
PSHCE at St James' remains responsive to what knowledge and support students need for their unique challenges and contexts, allowing them to live life to the full both during their time here and beyond. We welcome input from students and parents and therefore will be seeking your views throughout the course of the academic year.
Our Catholic curriculum provides the framework for our students’ understanding of British values. In the RE classroom, lessons draw on the example of Jesus and His welcome and inclusion of all, especially those who were on the periphery of society. This is also developed in Catholic Social Teaching. The RE classroom must be a democratic classroom where all pupils have an equal right to be heard and democracy is modelled by the teacher and expected of every pupil.
Social Science
At St James' the social sciences aim to prepare all students to view the world more critically by understanding an array of factors that can determine our behaviour, whether this be biological or learnt processes or society. We investigate a variety of approaches and use evidence to understand which explanation best explains why we are the way we are.
Science at St James is aimed to develop and encourage a 'can do' mindset in learners by ensuring that the curriculum is relevant and accessible to all. We provide the appropriate stretch and challenge at every stage. Through building up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, we encourage students to recognise the power of rational explanations and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. Students are taught to understand how science is used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, analyse causes, encourage creativity and problem solve.