The Curriculum Access Support Team (CAST Department) meets the many and varied needs of students within the school. The SEN Co-ordinator (SENCo), who is also a teacher, heads a department which includes a Deputy SENCo, and Teaching Assistants (TAs) . Our Mission Statement 'I have come that they may have life and have it to the full' is at the heart of our work with our young people. We have a culture of inclusion and diversity in which everyone can participate in school life.
We work with a range of SEND students with needs in the following areas: Cognition and Learning, Communication and Interaction, Social, emotional and mental health difficulties and Sensory and/or physical needs. We support pupils with Education Health and Care Plans as well as those at SEN Support. We recognise that students with SEND are amongst the most vulnerable in our community and we take our safeguarding responsibilities and duties towards all students very seriously. We are committed to keeping students safe.
Support is largely provided in class. We work with all teachers in our school to provide access to the curriculum for students who require help. Where appropriate, students may work in small groups on spelling or comprehension skills or have individual input. Support is, as far as possible, tailored to meet individual needs and takes place in class. We develop independent young people ready for the next stage in their lives be that work, further study or apprenticeships.
We believe in partnership working with parents. We meet termly to set and review targets and have a termly CAST Parents’ Forum. Communication with the department is welcomed, telephonically, by email and through meetings at school. We value the input of parents and aim to work with them to achieve the best outcomes for their daughters/sons
We work efficiently and effectively with a number of agencies including Educational Psychologists and Advisory Teachers. Please read our SEND Policy, SEND Information Report and SEND Criteria for further information.
CAST is able to offer
- Support strategies
- Meetings with parents
- Break and Lunch Supervision in CAST 2
- Access Arrangements for exams
- Comprehension strategy groups
- Spelling groups
- Language groups, Motor Skills Groups
- INSET and advice to staff
- Homework Club before and after school