
St James is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff to share this commitment. The health and safety of all children is paramount. As a school, we will take all reasonable action to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students. In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, staff must follow the school’s Safeguarding Policy, which is in line with the DfE Keeping Children Safe In Education, and inform Children’s Social Care Services of their concerns.

Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies to support the well-being or when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about the students are discussed with parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare. Records of welfare concerns will be kept about a child. 

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Ms V Agolli, and our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs F Faucher. 

They can be contacted via the school email address   or  02083582800 


Safeguarding children exposed to domestic abuse

Children who live in families where there is domestic abuse can suffer serious long-term emotional and psychological effects. Even if they are not physically harmed or do not witness acts of violence, they can pick up on the tensions and harmful interactions between adults. 

The physical, psychological and emotional effects of domestic violence on children can be severe and long-lasting. Some children may become withdrawn and find it difficult to communicate. Others may act out the aggression they have witnessed, or blame themselves for the abuse.

As a school we will support children and families victim to domestic abuse by seeking external support, i.e. advice from Children’s Social Services. In addition, we will liaise with the parent/carer to put appropriate support in place for the child, i.e.victim support, counselling, and other support at school. 


There are different types of extremist behaviour that you should be aware of, a lot of which can be accessed on the Internet. Much of the focus recently has been associated with either far right or Islamist extremists. However, young people can be radicalised in other ways including self-harm websites and an increase in violent misogyny. It is important to monitor your child’s behaviour and if you have concerns that they could be radicalised raise this with the school.

As a school, if we are concerned that a child or young person may be at risk of being radicalised or being drawn into extremist activity, we will make a referral to Barnet Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) team.


BEAT provides advice and support around disorders. 

If you have concerns that your child is showing signs of an eating disorder, we advise that you speak with your GP who will be able to refer to appropriate services that can help. 


The use of social media for our young people has many positives and exciting opportunities, but this also comes with challenges and risks. 

Keeping pupils safe online is very much a partnership between us at the school, and yourselves at home. Therefore, we want our pupils and parents to be equipped with the knowledge needed to make the best use of the internet and technology in a safe and responsible way. 

We strongly suggest that parents regularly check their child’s phone, have conversations to ensure they understand the risks, where to go for support and how to raise it with the school if you have any concerns. 

Attached are some useful websites that provide a whole host of ways to keep your child safe online. 

National Online Safety has many easy to digest information for parents. We’ve included some common ones, however if there is any particular social media that you would like support on, please do contact us. 

Naked images of under 18s are illegal, but a young person will not be in trouble with the police if someone has made them share an image of themselves.

If you are worried that your child has shared a sexual image or video online, as parents you can support them by using the

We ask that you make the school aware of any concerns; BUT, please do not as any indecent images as this is a criminal act. 

Zipit App provides young people with advice on how to be safe during intimate chats and responding to sexual harassment and being asked to send someone naked selfies. 

Parents can report harassment, malicious messaging or distribution of private sexual images without consent online or by calling 101.

If a matter of this nature comes to the attention of the school, the Designated Safeguarding Lead will take appropriate actions to support all parties involved. This may include making a referral to appropriate agencies i.e.  Children’s Services and/or police. 


If you would like your child to receive support for substance misuse, please contact Ms Agolli in order for a referral to be made to Barnet’s service, Change Grow Live (CGL). 

A referral can also be made to CGL directly by a young person or an adult on their website 

Other websites that offer support: 


Our safeguarding team works closely with Barnet Children Services and we regularly refer parents to Early Help support. If you would like to access this support, you can make a direct referral or contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead.