Welcome from the Headteacher
Anthony Ellul
As Headteacher it is my great privilege to be leading a school where the holistic development of our pupils, as set out in our mission statement, is our core purpose.
Our mission statement: ‘I have come that they may have life and have it to the full’ ~ John 10:10
Our commitment to the pursuit of academic excellence and our rich personal development curriculum is underpinned by our Catholic identity, brought to life through our Veritas Values.
Our curriculum is broad and well balanced, designed and delivered by expert teachers to support all pupils to reach and exceed their academic potential. This is in conjunction with a bespoke Personal Health, Social and Citizenship Education (PHSCE) programme and a wide ranging extra-curricular offer that is outstanding.
It is our intention that this, supported by our ethos and values, will allow each pupil to complete a seven year journey with us and take their place in society where their gifts and talents will be of benefit to all.
We insist on the highest standards of behaviour for learning and have clear policies in place to ensure these are maintained. It is my absolute belief that this consistency of approach enables our community to flourish and enables our pupils to live out our mission statement.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website, if you have any questions, please do get in touch with us by completing the form below.
“St James’ Catholic High School is a caring and inclusive school.”
“The school’s ‘Veritas values’ and its house system encourage pupils and sixth-form students to take on additional responsibility within the school and community."
Ofsted 2022
“The partnership between parents, school and parish is outstanding.”
“Human flourishing is at the heart of the school’s Mission Statement which reinforces the school’s aspiration for every pupil to reach his or her God given potential.”
Diocese of Westminster 2019
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