Posted on: 20/07/2018

Activities Week

Our annual activities week, from Monday 16 July, proved to be a resounding success with our students have the opportunity to embrace different experiences and ideas outside of the school curriculum.

The week included a wide range of activities, trips and presentations from external agencies. These included trips to Westminster, London Zoo and the Tower of London. 

Students were provided with insights on personal safety and taught emergency first aid techniques. There were activities led by staff on improving nutrition and personal finance. There was even a fundraising drop-in session in our Hairdressing Salon for staff to benefit from our students skills in wash and blow-drying.

There were summers sports competitions, with each form pushing to be their year champions.

There were sessions on samba drumming, an opportunity for students to improve their culinary skills, learn about the law and a deeper understanding of democracy.

Sixth Form students were given the opportunity to visit South Bank university to learn more about further education and the application process. In addition, they received talks on apprenticeships and how to access these as a route into employment.

Students also took part in the Spelling Bee and Number Quest challenges, showing incredible skill and speed in the heat of competition.

The week itself takes an incredible amount of time to organise and Mr Aldridge did an excellent job in pulling together a really engaging schedule for all our students. The success of the week would not have been possible without the willing contribution and flexibility of our staff to accommodate and lead so may sessions and trips. It was a real team effort and our students were incredibly grateful for the opportunities provided.

A sample of photos from some of the activities can be viewed here.




