Posted on: 11/07/2017

Visit to House of Common and House of Lords

As part of our school's membership of Team Global we were invited to visit the House of Commons and House of Lords. This was a life changing experience for us, as we were able to sit in the viewing gallery and see Sajid Javid, Boris Johnson and David Davies speak in the House of Commons.

It was incredible to see in action, men who we had studied, in theory, all year. We represented our school at a speech given by Baroness Featherstone, the Minister for Equalities, who introduced same sex marriage in the UK.  Her speech was incredibly inspiring as she has been able to achieve so much in her political career and make a real difference to so many people.

Furthermore, we attended a conference on Donald Trump's foreign policy which was held at the American Embassy. This was fascinating as it allowed us to get an American perspective on Trump's policy making. This experience reinforced some of our own aspirations to be in the House of Commons ourselves one day.


Joseph Fay, Emma Driscoll, Euan Brady and Victor Stasiak.

Sixth Form Students


