Posted on: 14/03/2023

Published Author in Year 8

Congratulations to Kiisu Rojugbokan who has had her own book published!  'Algie Virgo and the Lilac Queen' (the first book of a trilogy!).

Kiisu had a book launch recently to celebrate this achievement. London poet Samantha Rodgers attended, she spoke about how Kiisu inspires people of all ages to follow their dreams as you are never too young or old to share your passion with the world.

The Nigerian High Commissioner was represented at the event by his wife. The Mayor of Barnet, Alison Moore, was also in attendance. Both spoke about how Kiisu is a credit to her family and St James' and how happy they were to be at her book launch. Kiisu's friends Maya and Sophie from 8S also attended and were excited to see their friend being celebrated.

Copies of Kisu's book were on sale and Kiisu kindly signed them. A copy of the book will be added to the St. James Library for pupils to read.

Written by Ms Farrell 


